Evaluate the dosage using dosage calculator before you prescribe.
Evaluate the dosage using dosage calculator before you prescribe.
Check your drug interactions and ensure the right dosage quantities.
Patient-specific formulary guidance and provider-specific drug favorites functionality.
Search for a pharmacy by pharmacy name or by zip code.
Retrieve patient medication history reports.
Real-time prescription drug coverage check.
Send e-prescriptions instantly from your patient’s chart.
Send prescriptions electronically to your patient’s preferred pharmacy.
Submit automatically generated prescription refill requests from patient's and pharmacies electronically.
Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS).
Submit the identity proofing (IDP) details to third party company and get instant access to submit e-prescriptions.
Initiate, submit, and complete prior authorizations electronically.
Build predictive models of your e-prescribing patterns to facilitate medication decisions using predictive analytics.